Keiko - Rolling Papers - W. Woolf

First in a series of accordion fold books, inspired by and looking keenly similar to rolling papers.
Courtesy of David Moscovich, author of 33 Convoluted Solutions to the World's Simplest Robbery, and chamber pot blogmaster for The Center For Dyslexistential Studies

One, Whitney Woolf's Rolling Papers. This microfiction is precisely the size of a zigzag box, but a lot bigger on the inside. Read it. Order it. Design, execution, electrocution. Yes.

"Keiko" is the one she sent me. But she has more.

Copies extremely limited.
[one remaining, please request it!]

W. Woolf is currently adjusting to labels like writer and flash fictionista by maintaining Tangent Pageant.

footsie at 23:51




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